Thursday, July 16, 2015

How are you preparing for the next generation of the fire service?

In response to this question posed by the National Fire Academy Alumni Association, then Superintendent Dr. Denis Onieal replied:
There’s a line in the Bob Dylan song “Subterranean Homesick Blues” that says, “…you don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” You don’t need an assembly of fire service experts to know which way the fire and emergency services is moving ― just read the headlines. The shootings in Aurora, outside Milwaukee, Tucson and Newtown; the tornadoes and flooding in the southeast; the wildfires in the northwest and the increased demand for emergency medical services by the baby boomers are all influencing our future. The fire and emergency services are every community’s all-hazards response agency of first and last resort.
As a result, we’re undergoing tremendous changes. In some cases, progressive leaders are influencing that change. In other cases, the political forces are imposing the change, but we’re changing nonetheless.
One consideration during these tough budget times is that National Fire Academy training is inexpensive; less expensive than most. We cover the cost of round-trip airfare; give students a dorm room and the training at no cost. All students pay for meals, about $125 per week. Of course there are back-fill and salary / benefit costs for the local department, but they would have those costs for ANY training ― even in-house training.
The National fire Academy offers residential and off-campus courses in almost all areas of fire prevention, investigation, administration and EMS management. We now include the Managing Officer program which targets new and aspiring officers. And, we continue to offer the Executive Fire Officer program.
The NFAAA provides periodic updates to alumni about application periods opening and closing, last minute class vacancies, pilot course recruitment and notifications on job openings at the USFA.
National Fire Academy Alumni Association:
National Fire Academy Course Catalog:

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